It can often be a struggle keeping a break area clean. Especially when there is a large amount of people using the space to relax, eat a meal or snack, as well as store food, a break area can get really messy real quick. Therefore, it is necessary, especially in the time of a pandemic, to hire a commercial janitorial company like Ugplay Service Inc. to schedule a routine cleaning service. Assuring that the area stays clean and disinfected properly. Here are some tips to keep your break area clean in-between professional cleaning.
One of the most common ways to maintain a clean break area is to make sure everything has a place and daily everything is put away in its designated area. Which often means you will need plenty of storage space. For example, there should be a place for napkins, trash bags, cleaning supplies, soap and paper towels. They should also be easy to see so that employees can clean up quickly after their lunch and often employees should be reminded via emails or posted signs to put these things away after usage. This ensures employees can clean up quickly after themselves and what your company expectations are when they use these areas.
Many people intend to wipe off the cabinet or wash a dish, but if they can’t find the soap, or you are out of paper towels, they end up leaving the mess behind. Make sure the break room always has plenty of supplies and they are organized so that they can be seen quickly.
Another big problem spot in the breakroom is trash. Make sure your breakroom has a trashcan near every door and that it is taken out regularly to avoid spills, bacteria build-up, or excessive trash. This can also be quite smelly throughout the day or overnight if people dump food in the trash.
Often employers make the mistake of thinking that they can cut costs by having their current employees split up the work and clean up the breakroom. However, they find that their employees are often already overworked and hurrying to eat, with little time for clean-up. This means that cleaning the breakroom is often pushed off as a low priority.
The breakroom is one of the easiest places to spread germs and sickness throughout your company. Hiring a commercial janitorial company like Ugplay Service Inc. to clean and sanitize your space regularly cuts back on employee illness and sick time. Causing less time for your employees to have to take off from work. Commercial Cleaning Service In Overland Park At Ugplay Service Inc we understand that even the employees with the best intentions can leave a mess behind. That is why we are here to guarantee your office stays professionally clean and sanitized to keep your employees happy and healthy.